Innovative systems and products that add value to customers around the world.

Electric Vehicle Chargers

PACCAR Parts offers electric vehicle charging stations to support the global launch of electric vehicles (EVs). The chargers are designed to be compatible with DAF, Kenworth and Peterbilt trucks and work for other commercial vehicles.

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Video of PACCAR Parts Electric Vehicle Chargers


EV DC 20 EV DC 50, 2 Cables EV ChargeMax 180 Power Choice 350 HC
CHARGER LINE DC 22/24 kW DC 50 kW ChargeMax PowerChoice DAF PacMobile
CHARGING POWER Up to 24 kW 50 kW 90 – 180 kW 100 – 350 kW (Peak) Up to 40 kW
100 – 320 kW (Continuous)
OUTPUT VOLTAGE 920 V 920 V 920 V 920 V 1000 V
OUTPUT CURRENT 60 A 125 A Up to 300 A Up to 500 A (Liquid cooled CCS-1) Up to 67 A
200 A (CHAdeMO)

Customers can purchase the chargers from DAF, Kenworth and Peterbilt dealers and TRP store locations worldwide, choosing from multiple DC fast chargers rated up to 920V DC. These electric vehicle charging stations maximize coverage over a wide range of EVs including trucks, vans, buses and other commercial vehicles.

PACCAR Parts also stocks replacement parts for the chargers at its 18 global parts distribution centers (PDCs) for industry-leading parts availability.

Customers can rely on the expertise of PACCAR Parts and the global network of DAF, Kenworth and Peterbilt dealers and TRP stores for their EV charging solutions.

See More:

Quick Reference Guide Kenworth EV BrochurePeterbilt EV Brochure

Contact us today on our family of EV Chargers at:

or visit your nearest DAF, Kenworth or Peterbilt dealership or TRP store.